Thursday, June 01, 2006


Final Stats of US Tour

Whew! It was an excellent, if not exhausting, ride! See for yourselves (check ARCHIVES on left for the complete tour coverage)...

Dates: 12 April - 30 May
Total # of days: 49
Total # of miles: 21,000/33,796 km

Breakdown of Mileage:
International travel:
12,000 miles/19,312 km flight across 2 hemispheres and 2 continents

USA travel:
9,000 miles /14,484 km total
--3,500 miles/5,633 km driving through 17 states
--5,500 miles/8,851 km flying over 10 states

Average travel per day: 184 miles/296 km

# of States: 27, with event appearances in 10 of those states
# of Cities: 28 total, with event appearances in 22 of those cities

Event Breakdown:
# of Events: 28 total, with 21 public events and 7 private events
Venues/Hosts: 14 bookstores, 8 Turkey-affiliated organizations (both government and civilian), 3 "seven sisters" alumnae events, 1 academic conference
Audience total: 790 people
Average audience size: 28 people

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