Sunday, April 16, 2006


USA's Smallest State Gives EH a Huge Welcome!

Thank you to Sarah Zacks of Books on the Square in Providence Rhode Island for kicking off the first of EH's public book tour events with Saturday, April 15th's reading and signing!

And thank you to the more than 40 people who came to our reading today, despite the gorgeous sunny 75 degree weather and the Passover/Easter holidays this weekend.

And thank you to the five women who fought their way out of Boston on a gridlocked Boston Marathon weekend to come to our reading.

Anassa kata” to four of Anastasia’s fellow Bryn Mawr alumnae (classes ’86-’95) who were there, too!

In addition, we were happy to see a number of people from Providence’s vibrant Turkish community who rushed from a Turkish society meeting to make sure they had the chance to meet us before our event was over. Thanks to Ismail Saltuk of Nuance Gifts who bought 4 copies of EH, one for each of the women in his immediate family!

What can we say? We are elated that so many people came to join us today! From the seven year olds to the seventy year olds, you were all so energized and active an audience—even the one dog in attendance listened raptly as we read Claire Uhr’s story Rescued By Village Intelligence!

For the smallest state in the union, Rhode Island sure showed us a great turnout and a hospitable welcome, with Americans, Turks, Britons, and Pakistanis packing the bookstore and even sitting on the floor when we ran out of chairs.

We’re only sorry that Books on the Square sold out of books for you, but for those of you in Providence (including the group soon to take the Steps of St. Paul’s Tour in Turkey) we did leave Sarah with many signed bookplates for the impending arrival of her next order of EH books.

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