Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Expat Harem Editors Join EU School Project
On the 22nd and 23rd of January, co-editor Jennifer Eaton Gökmen participated in an online forum discussion between Hisar Educational Foundation School in Istanbul, Turkey and Externat Notre Dame School in Grenoble, France.

This inter-school communication is part of the
European Union Comenius Project called eTwinning, which aims to promote communication between European schools. Both schools have been reading excerpts from Expat Harem as an exploration of cultural identity and the negation of stereotypes.

In addition to this online dialogue initiated by teachers John Israel (TR) and Odile Pouchol (FR), both editors will meet with the Turkish and French high schoolers when when Externat Notre Dame visits Hisar Educational Foundation this April and again in October 2008.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Expat Harem Editor Interview to Reach 3.2 Million Americans
In her second Foreign Correspondence appearance, Expat Harem editor Anastasia Ashman was interviewed by Travel Editor John Bordsen for the Charlotte Observer newspaper in North Carolina. She discusses highlights of Turkish travel, and the characteristics of Turkey’s mesmerizing shorelines and azure seas. Owned by the 150-year old McClatchy Company, the United States’ third-largest newspaper company, the Charlotte Observer is just one of 31 newspapers in 15 states across America where the interview will appear.

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